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User's Guide to My Rants

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"Rumors are almost always true"
Alkes Price

Hi, my name is Morgan Price. Many people clutter their home pages with details of their lives, even of their sordid pasts. I clutter mine with sordid writings instead, and call them rants. Most of these rants are mine, and I have been accused of everything from academic fraud to mindless promiscuity on the basis of these rants, so I ask that you read them carefully. Perhaps you will learn something about me too! If you do, and wish to spread it around, please let me know. I would also like to hear from you if you believe that this page, or any of the pages it links to, are in violation of the Communications Decency Act.

But enough about me, it's you you're concerned about!

Are you an escapist? Do you worry about other people's problems instead of your own? Perhaps you study the news, where all crises are ephemeral, and a new worry shows up every night. I can help you with these crises also, but each rant becomes obsolete together with the underlying problem, and there's really little point. Just keep watching. Or perhaps the TV news is too scary for you, and instead you study the news of yesterday.

Have you tried reading poetry as an escape, and gotten bogged down trying to figure out what it all means? Tired of obscure words like "morn"? Read Jabberwocky instead! It signifies nothing, and hence nothing distracts from the beauty of the words. It's even better in German.

Are you a net-surfing addict, and an impatient reader? If you got this far then you probably are. Would you prefer a list of my rants? But your mind is probably numb after months of mindless point-and- click browsing for nothing of value, and I recommend that you cross over to my links page instead. Good luck on your search for Eurasian porn or whatever it is you want.

Why do cats paint?