Up to Morgan's scary business models


If you spend any time looking around "women seeking men" personals on the Web, you will find ads for porn sites. (Yahoo personals seem to have a particularly large number of these.) They are presented as personal ads for real women, and ask you to "come see my web site" which is then described in a way that can't be filtered out by a computer (e.g. a m l o o k i n g . c o m). If you type in the URL you get a page with a slightly provocative picture and what looks like a description of a real person (albeit someone who isn't quite right in the head). If you follow a link you get a more provocative picture and a demand for payment to see nude photos.

Now, I don't know how you feel about porn, but I think this marketing strategy is a moving testament to the power of human ingenuity and the struggle of free people everywhere to overcome technological oppression :) :)

But sadly, no one seems to have created sites like this to distract women from romance into lust. I think it's a terrible shame, and sexist to boot.

Business model

So that's my startup opportunity :) You don't have to put up any actual porn, just some pages of stereotypically sexy guys. You can get revenue from ads for romance novels and vibrators :) You can probably steal the pictures off the Net, so the only real expense is for the writing. If you come up with some good templates you can spam the sites with lots and lots of personal "ads" :)

I haven't come up with a good name yet. I'm not sure if it should have one, as every personal ad should look like a different site, maybe based on a romance novel hero's name.


For Michele

December, 1999
